Basic Questions

Who can I contact with questions?

For questions related to the VPPRN, please contact the VPPRN Manager at or by phone at +01 (215) 200-6147.

How often do I need to log into the MyVPPRN patient portal?

We will send you reminders by email if there are new forms for you to complete or if there are any pending surveys that require your attention. We ask that you check back into the VPPRN at least once every 3 months to tell us about any changes in your vasculitis symptoms or in how you are feeling. If you have a disease flare, we ask that you log in and tell us about your flare as soon as you are able to do so.

What if I want to quit the VPPRN?

Participation in the VPPRN is completely voluntary. You may drop out of the Network at any time. Deciding not to participate in the Network does not affect your ability to receive care by any doctor or affect your ability to participate with the Vasculitis Foundation or the Clinical Research Consortium (VCRC) in other ways.

In order to withdraw, please click on the “View Informed Consent” link on the navigation bar of the MyVPPRN patient portal. From the “View Informed Consent” page, you should scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Withdraw Now”.

If you have any questions about how to withdraw or concerns about participating in the VPPRN, please contact the VPPRN Manager at or by phone at +01 (215) 200-6147.

Security: Please see the Privacy Policy

Technical Questions

How do I change my email address or phone number?

You can change your email, phone number, and manage your message settings by clicking on the “Profile” link on the homepage of your MyVPPRN patient portal website. This is located on the navigation menu of your VPPRN portal webpage.

How do I change my password?

You can change password by clicking on the “Profile” link on the homepage of the VPPRN patient portal website. This is located on the navigation menu of your VPPRN portal webpage.

What if I made a mistake and need to change my answer on a form related to my disease?

You may update most of the vasculitis related surveys by clicking the “Update Form” button at the bottom of the MyVPPRN patient portal. If you have any questions or trouble updating a form, please contact the VPPRN Manager at or by phone at +01 (215) 200-6147.

Health Questions

Who is in charge of my medical care while I am a member of the VPPRN?

Your current doctor will remain in charge of your care. If you have any questions or concerns about your illness, please contact your doctor.

My vasculitis symptoms seem worse today, what should I do?

Contact your doctor as soon as possible to discuss your symptoms.
if this is a medical emergency, call 911 or emergency services in your area.

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